Lincoln: The One-Man Show

Starring Gary Saderup



Actor Gary Saderup becomes Abraham Lincoln, as he encapsulates Lincoln's entire life, from his early "folksy" frontier humor to the eloquence of word so well remembered from his Presidential years. He reveals how Lincoln formed his attitude towards life and politics, slavery and war, peace and reconciliation.

This acclaimed one-man show takes us from Lincoln's years as a prairie lawyer, to the steps leading up to the Civil War and throughout the war years. Gary Saderup shows us why Lincoln is the president still revered most by a majority of Americans today.

We see and hear his Lincoln-Douglas debates; his Emancipation Proclamation; his Gettysburg Address, as well as events in his personal life with Mary Todd and his courageous determination to preserve the Union.

Gary Saderup is magnificent as Lincoln and delivers a memorable performance that brings Lincoln back to life in a way like never before. This unique program features a dramatic interplay of Civil War era photos, music and graphics to accompany Lincoln's on-screen performance.

Gary Saderup as Abraham Lincoln Gary Saderup as Abraham Lincoln Gary Saderup as Abraham Lincoln Gary Saderup as Abraham Lincoln Gary Saderup as Abraham Lincoln
Gary Saderup as Abraham Lincoln

Perfection. An inspiring profile of our nation's greatest President. A sweeping epic made human, specific, and immediately powerful by Saderup's mastery of characterization, pacing and presentation. A perfect blend of intellect and emotion. It is as though Lincoln had returned to us in the flesh.



The DVD is available for purchase on Amazon.

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